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CLUTCH the Novel

Clutch is the debut novel by Angel Wood. In it a teenage star basketball player, Damon Jones is caught in the crossfire of an old vendetta. It is set on the westside of Dayton, Ohio. Damon Jones was at the top of his game, he was a senior in high school and the most highly recruited athlete in Ohio since Lebron James. He was the pride of his hometown, Dayton, Ohio a place that had not had much to celebrate with the automobile plants shutting down, crime escalating, and many in the city out of work.
Damon Jones was positioned for a meteoric rise, he had to play just one year of college basketball, and then he would become the number one draft pick, and sign a multimillion dollar NBA contract, with shoe deals to follow.  His life takes a drastic turn when he is caught up in another man's revenge against drug kingpin Anthony “Carver” Wilson, a figure whose presence first had a detrimental effect on Damon's life when he was just baby. Instead of living his dream of playing in the NBA, Damon Jones is dropped into a black hole in Folsom State Penitentiary. He is forced to comes to terms with all that he has lost and try and rebuild his life from the ruins. With the clock winding down on his dreams, will Damon take control of of his destiny, or will he continue to reel from the blows wielded on him by the consequences of other men's actions?

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